|Joyrider Poem Original by T Coppinger,Cornwall (MAX POWER - car mag) typed in by PANEAD/DENGUE They all look alike, You'll see what I mean, They all smell of shite, 'Cos they're not very clean. They wear cheap trainers, Usually in white, A real tacky shoe, For a real tacky shite. They're often seen scurrying, In dark back streets, Screwdriver stuffed, Up their left-hand sleeve. Eyes popping out, Of their big greasy heads, Having one last look, To check there's no feds. Then ten seconds later, They're sat in your car, Steering lock shattered, With a long metal bar. Your car has just started, No doubt it's last time, 'Cos this slimy bastard, Is going for a ride. Your once pride and joy, Is now someone's toy, So next half an hour, The feds they'll annoy. My only hope, Is the feds catch this scum, Before they lose all control, Into your mum. A joyrider's sentence, Should be a lifetime of pain, But you and me know, They'll end up in Spain.